The co-creator of the show “Shrinking,” Bill Lawrence, found inspiration in Michael J. Fox for the character Paul, played by Harrison Ford. Paul is depicted as someone who is dealing with Parkinson’s disease while undergoing mental health therapy in the series.
Lawrence revealed at the “An Evening with âShrinkingâ at PaleyLive” event that both he and co-creator Brett Goldstein have a personal connection to Parkinson’s as their fathers have been affected by the disease. According to the National Institute of Aging, Parkinson’s is a brain disorder that causes involuntary movements, stiffness, and balance issues.
The show aims to portray Parkinson’s in an inspiring light rather than a tragic one, drawing inspiration from Michael J. Fox, who has been a mentor to Lawrence since their time working together on “Spin City.” Lawrence expressed his commitment to accurately representing the challenges of living with Parkinson’s in the upcoming third season of the show.
He shared that he admires Fox’s resilience and work ethic in the face of adversity, and hopes to capture that spirit in “Shrinking.” Lawrence mentioned that he often turns to comedy as a way to cope with difficult situations in his own life.
The series, starring Jason Segel as a single father navigating life after the loss of his wife, has received positive feedback from audiences. Season 2 of “Shrinking” is currently available for streaming on AppleTV+.
Overall, “Shrinking” is a poignant and humorous exploration of life’s challenges, inspired by real-life experiences and a desire to shed light on important issues like Parkinson’s disease. Lawrence’s dedication to authenticity and respect for those affected by the disease shines through in the show’s storytelling.