Carey Price and his family faced a bit of a travel crisis recently due to his expired passport. His wife, Angela, took to social media to share updates on their travel troubles as they tried to make their way to the U.S. for a trip to Disneyland. Angela shared a short clip from the airplane they boarded from Vancouver, with their son Lincoln by her side. Although they managed to get through the Kelowna airport without any issues, they faced a hiccup in Vancouver where Carey had to go through customs while the rest of the family continued on to the plane. Eventually, everything worked out, and they were able to board their flight.
Angela mentioned that the ticketing process at the airport was the most challenging part of their journey. However, they were relieved to finally be on their way to Disneyland. She shared a video showing Carey Price sitting on the plane with them, indicating that the situation had been resolved smoothly.
This travel mishap reminded Angela of a similar situation they faced when their son Lincoln was just a baby. Lincoln was born in the U.S. in October 2020 while they were visiting Angela’s parents. Due to delays in obtaining his passport, they faced difficulties when Carey needed to return to Montreal for the hockey season. Unable to fly into Canada with Lincoln, they opted for a private plane that dropped Angela and Lincoln off in Plattsburgh before driving them across the border. Meanwhile, Carey, their daughters, and the dogs flew on to Montreal. Angela reflected on the challenges they had to overcome during a difficult time and how they had to find creative solutions to make it work.
Despite the initial hurdles, the Price family managed to navigate their way through the travel obstacles and are now looking forward to their Disneyland adventure. Angela’s updates on social media provided a glimpse into the highs and lows of their travel experiences, showcasing the resilience and determination of the Price family in the face of unexpected challenges.