Tag: species

Why it’s so hard to tell when Homo sapiens became a distinct species

The Evolution of Homo sapiens: Unraveling the Origins of Humanity John Bavaro Fine Art/Science Photo Library For the

U.S. Proposes Listing Monarch Butterflies Under Endangered Species Act To Aid Recovery

26, 2023. Monarch butterflies are facing numerous threats, such as climate change, pesticide use, and the loss of

Drone discovers hidden Hawaiian plant species

Drones have revolutionized the way researchers explore and discover new species, with consumer-grade hobby drones proving to be

Boo! New species of ghost shark uncovered in New Zealand

A new species of ghost shark, known as the Australasian narrow-nosed spookfish (Harriotta avia), has been discovered in

New bone-crushing Tasmanian tiger species dug up by paleontologists

Three new ancient species of Tasmanian tigers have been recently discovered in Australia. These marsupials, now extinct, possess