Tag: Study

Exercise Is More Effective Than Walking At Lowering Blood Pressure: Study

In October 1961, Joe Pilates, the inventor, physical fitness guru, and founder of the Pilates exercise method, was

Effects of preterm birth extend into adulthood, study finds

A recent study published in the journal PLOS ONE has shed light on the long-term impacts of preterm

Chimpanzees Could Never Randomly Type the Complete Works of Shakespeare, Study Finds

The researchers left the computer in the monkeys' enclosure for a month to see if they could produce

Global study reveals gaps in antimicrobial knowledge and planetary health education

The importance of antimicrobial stewardship in healthcare education has been highlighted in a recent global investigation led by

Bright Light Therapy Might Help In Treating Depressive Disorders: Study

Major depressive disorder is a prevalent condition that affects approximately 5% of adults globally. While antidepressants are commonly

Nepal study reveals microbes in mouth reflect lifestyle choices

The composition of beneficial bacteria and other microorganisms within the mouth can be shaped by lifestyle choices, according

Vigorous Workouts May Be The Key to Suppressing Appetite, Study Says : ScienceAlert

Exercise is an essential component of any weight loss program, but the intensity of your workouts can make

Children Get 59% Of Calories From Processed Foods In The UK: Study

The importance of a healthy diet for children has been underscored by recent findings in the United Kingdom.

Kiwis spend 37 full days a year on social media – study

According to a recent study, social media users spend more time scrolling on platforms like Facebook and Instagram

Study reveals links between many pesticides and prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a prevalent disease among men in the United States, and recent research has shed light

Smiles tweaked by AI can boost attraction, a speed-dating study shows

This study sheds light on the power of artificial intelligence in altering facial expressions during video chats. Researchers

Study finds effective communication with doctors improves chronic pain outcomes

Chronic pain is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of adults in the United States. Defined