Mariska Hargitay has been a staple on our television screens since 1999, portraying the iconic detective Olivia Benson on the long-running show “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,” commonly referred to as “SVU.” The show’s opening narration sets the tone for the series, highlighting the intense nature of the crimes investigated by the Special Victims Unit in New York City.
Throughout its 26 seasons, “Law & Order: SVU” has seen a rotating cast of characters, but Mariska Hargitay’s portrayal of Olivia Benson has remained a constant fan favorite. Her dedication to the role has earned her numerous accolades, including the distinction of being the longest-running drama character on prime-time television. In 2006, she made history by becoming the first series regular actor from a “Law & Order” show to win an Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series.
In addition to her on-screen achievements, Hargitay is also a passionate advocate for survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse. In 2004, she founded the Joyful Heart Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and empowering survivors.
Recently, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History honored Hargitay’s contribution to American pop culture by accepting one of Olivia Benson’s iconic outfits into its collections. The ensemble, worn by Hargitay during a pivotal episode in March 2024, symbolizes the character’s evolution from detective to captain.
During the ceremony, both Hargitay and “SVU” creator and executive producer Dick Wolf reflected on the show’s cultural impact and enduring legacy. Wolf expressed his pride in seeing the show recognized by such a prestigious institution, while Hargitay emphasized the importance of listening to survivors and providing them with a platform to share their stories.
In her poignant speech, Hargitay highlighted the healing power of listening and the role it plays in empowering survivors to speak out against sexual and domestic violence. She reassured survivors that their voices matter and that their healing is a top priority.
As “Law & Order: SVU” gears up for its 26th season, Mariska Hargitay’s portrayal of Olivia Benson continues to inspire audiences and shed light on important social issues. Through her work on and off the screen, she has become a beacon of hope for survivors and a symbol of strength and resilience in the face of adversity.